Alfonso had been hunting rabbits in the desert and had come across the remains of the largest beast he had ever seen. It’s front fangs were the length of his torso and he was glad it was dead. Unfortunately, after this selfie a much larger chupacabra came out of its lair and devoured his uncle as a tasty little morsel. . #chupacabra #toyphotography #toyartistry #toyslagram #stuckinplastic #toygroup_alliance #justanothertoygroup #joecowtoy #toptoyphotos #lego #minifiguresbigworld #afol #legominifigures #toyslagram_lego #instalego #legostagram #brickcentral #legoart #legography #legogram #joecowlego #brickpichub #bricknetwork #toyartistry_lego

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