Daily Instagrams June 29, 2017 at 08:33AM

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2ttawa7 Waiting in the shadows of Shooters Hill, near Great Dover road… spoils be coming from travelers galore!
It’s quite interesting reading up on the history of highwaymen. They generally robbed their victims in a professional manner – even taking less loot in exchange for a dance with a pretty lady.
#highwayman #robbery #lego #minifiguresbigworld #afol #legominifigures #toyslagram_lego #instalego #legostagram #brickcentral #legoart #legography #legogram #joecowlego #brickpichub #bricknetwork #toyartistry_lego #lego_hub #brickshift #vitruvianbrix #stuckinplastic #brickculture #toy_photographers #utahtoycrew #precursortorobinhood

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