via Instagram I was tagged by @ana_crudenaire @flocaputmundi and @eat_my_bricks to share my #sept2016favetoyfotos started by @mitchelwuphotography Thank you! It was rather difficult because I’ve been posting so many shots so I just picked a bunch from September!?? I don’t know how many folks have already been tagged – so if you haven’t been tagged and you see this, consider yourself tagged!
#wheretoysdwell #lego #minifiguresbigworld #afol #legominifigures #toyslagram_lego #instalego #legostagram #brickcentral #legoart #legography #legogram #joecowlego #brickpichub #bricknetwork #toyartistry_lego #lego_hub #brickshift #vitruvianbrix #stuckinplastic