Me hunt beast food all day

Caveman Batman Hunts beast
Me hunt beast food all day

via Instagram

Out on the hunt for Lego photography locations!

Yesterday, I took my boys with me to sell Wowflutes at the Tuacahn Saturday Market.   There were a few vendors there enjoying the perfect weather.  No wind, no rain; just sunshine and some whispy clouds.

After our morning of selling we headed over to target so they could pick something out with the money they earned helping me.  Target had no Lego Batman Minifigures… 🙁  They had a whole bunch of the series 16 CMF though.   I guess they were trying to move those before putting new stuff out.

So we went over to Walmart and they had the big display in the aisle with a bunch of Batman Movie CMF.  I picked up this Clan of the Cave Batman (above) along with the Mime and a Catman.

We then set off to find a good hiking location and photo spot.  We drove around Quail lake to a spot on the north end I used to raft when I was a kid.  Quail lake catches the runoff from the Pine Valley Mountains to the north after it has carved it’s way through the slot canyons of Redcliffs desert reserve.  The water flows slowly into the lake through a covered lazy river.  In the summer it is heavily shaded and is the perfect swimming hole.   There was about  four inches of dead leaves covering the entire area.  We hiked around a bit and then headed towards Redcliffs.

Redcliffs was blockaded for construction on the access road so we headed down a dirt road north of Leeds, UT.  It was such beautiful scenery all around.  I love taking my boys out in the hills where they can hike without trails and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.  We hiked up to a mining dump and I was hoping to show them what a mine shaft looked like, but the opening had been sealed with a rock and mortar wall.  My boys were still curious about it.

While up on top of the mine dump we heard what sounded like distant barking – lots of it.  We looked everywhere for dogs, but then the barking slowly morphed into honking.  It turned out to be a flock of geese flying over the desert.  I snapped a quick shot.  Overall, today was a nice relaxing Saturday!

geese flock over the desert
Flock of Geese over the desert, Leeds, UT


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