I was waiting for quite awhile to acquire this figure. I liked the design of this Sushi Chef from the new Lego Ninjago Movie CMF line. Finally they became available at my local walmart and I was able to feel out the cleaver and a few sushi pieces.
Once I had it, then what? I tried to think of something for an image but nothing really came to mind. I dropped my boy off at scouts and had an hour to go shoot. I went around the corner and off onto a side dirt road. We have been having quite a bit of rain lately which is perfect for our dry high desert climate. We need all the water we can get! Anyways, this dirt road was mostly dry except for some ruts filled with leftover rainwater.
The lighting was perfect as it was golden hour and the sun had just crested behind some junipers and shaded these waterfilled tracks. There was a strip of golden light that shone through and lit up an area of the road. It was the perfect spot and lighting but I had to hurry as there were only a few minutes of that glow left.
I swooped out the minifigure container and looked at my options. The Sushi Chef was my goal to capture but in what way? The puddle would make a great fishing spot on minifigure scale but I had no fishing accessories. I had a wheelbarrow and the Shark Army dudes from the Lego Ninjago Movie CMF. So off came their fishy helmets and their fish swords and into the wheelbarrow they went.
I have been awaiting an Anton figure (from the new Old Fishing Store Set 21310) from the Stuck in Plastic community (I highly recommend their blog). It is currently in the mail and is coming from clear across the sea. Anton has not arrived as of yet, and therefore I decided to incorporate it into this post.
The poor Sushi Chef Cho-li has no fishing accessories and he is hoping Anton will build a fishing store in his area. It’s much easier to fish from a boat than a wheelbarrow. I positioned him right in the last bit of glow creeping in from behind the juniper. The light splashed through and really made the colors pop.
While I was shooting this I accidentally changed the settings on my camera so the rear screen would not display the image preview through the lens. basically just a black screen with text. This was rather frustrating because the shot had a small window of opportunity. I ended up in the dirt and a bit of mud leaning way down trying to peer through the viewfinder. I mostly utilize manual focus lenses and it was very tricky to do without my screen working. Luckily it is just a setting and I did not break anything.
I was able to snag several great shots and was still on time to pick up my boy from scouts. Success!